Bristol Bay Native Corporation Land Department and Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation hosted a workshop, attended by 70, that addressed Cultural Heritage Program Resources.
Several panelists, representing public and private organizations, described funding opportunities that would support cultural heritage projects, including native language programs.
Annette Evans-Smith, moderator and presenter, told attendees, “It’s not enough for our programs to exist individually, isolated and by themselves. We need to connect and work together.”About starting a language or cultural program/learning a native language: AlexAnna Salmon, Igiugig Village Council, advised workshop attendees: “Don’t wait for the money. Just do it.”Veldee Hall, Alaska Humanities Forum, described the cultural exchange programs and grant opportunities offered by AHF.Sonya Stewart and Francisca Demoski, BBNC. BBNC Land Department and BBNC Education Foundation co-hosted the workshop.Attendees heard from nine panelists over the two-hour workshop.Francisca Demoski, BBNC, participates in a workshop activity.A workshop attendee responds to panelist Aleesha Towns-Bain’s question: “How much do you know about…”Loren Peterson, Alaska Conservation Foundation,Greta Goto, Executive Director, Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation, announces a new grant program for cultural heritage projects.The BBNCEF grant program encompasses both cultural heritage and native place names projects.Even the little ones are interested!Panelist Dale Richesin describes the creation of the Togiak Public Library.Panelists kept workshop attendees engaged with presentations, personal stories, activities and jokes.Workshop attendees listen to an overview of different funding options for cultural heritage programs.Arnaq Esther Ilutsik, Director of Yup’ik Studies, Southwest Region Schools, describes the Tulukaruuq story project.Evans-Smith presented alarming statistics about the drop in native language speakers over the last few decades.About 65 attendees stayed for the two-hour workshop.Saunders McNeill describes funding options available through the Alaska State Council on the Arts, and unveiled a newly-published resource directory for Alaskan artists.Lauren Rocco and Veldee Hall, Alaska Humanities Forum, with Francisca Demoski, BBNC.Panelist Aleesha Towns-Bain, with the Rasmuson Foundation, talks with a workshop attendee.Panelist Aleesha Towns-Bain, with the Rasmuson Foundation, talks with Marie Paul, BBNC Board member..A map of the Bristol Bay region was posted at the wrAttendees were asked to identify cultural heritage projects underway in the Bristol Bay region, since there is no database or resource that encompasses all current projects.Slowly, the map begins to fill as attendees add information about ongoing projects.Attendees add cultural heritage program information to a map of Bristol Bay.Attendees climbed high to add cultural program information to the Bristol Bay map.Workshop attendees fill a map of Bristol Bay with sticky notes, documenting ongoing cultural heritage programs in the region.Bristol Bay Region: several ongoing cultural heritage programs.