Educational Resources

Before Bristol Bay – The Before Bristol Bay storybook gives readers an understanding of what original names did, how they were lost, and why it’s important to preserve and use them. Illustrated with beautiful pictures of the Bristol Bay region, the storybook details how the Native place names of the Bristol Bay region were replaced by Russian and English names and how BBNC and others are working to bring back and preserve the original Yup’ik, Dena’ina and Alutiiq place names in the region.
Language – Download the Yugtun App to learn the language of the Yup’ik People! Find it on the Apple Store or Google Play.
Funding Resources – There are many foundations and groups that fund cultural heritage and Native place names projects.
Bristol Bay Native Corporation Education Foundation grants
Other grants or organizations that may support place names projects
Alaska Humanities Forum awards grants and mini-grants to non-profits, individuals and ad hoc organizations.
Funding Tips – We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips to consider as you design your project and look for funding.
Getting Started – Examples of recent Native place names projects in Bristol Bay.
Talking Alaska Blog (UAF) – Reflections on Alaska Native languages and place names
Alaska Native Place Names Project (UAF)
Yup’ik Environmental Knowledge Project
Place Names along the Koyukuk River
University of Alaska Southeast Placename Map
United States
Coeur d’Alene Tribe Place Names Project (Idaho)
Kipuka Database (Hawai’i)
Montauk Indian Place Names Map Project (New York)
Place Names of Salish, Pend d’Oreille, Assiniboine and Sioux (Montana)
Circle of Stories – PBS place names map
Great Britain
Northern Ireland Place-Name Project
Archie Melville Richards Place Names Database (Welsh)
Applecross Place Names Project (Gaelic)
Places, names and stories: a pilot project on geographical names in Finland (pdf)
Australian National Place Names Survey
New Zealand
Decolonial Atlas – Includes a section for maps labeled with indigenous place names.